Retesh B.
Private tutor in Cupertino, CA
Marquette University - Bachelors, Physiological Sciences , Drexel University - Masters, Health Management and Policy
I am available to help in a plethora of subjects, including algebra, anatomy, science, languages, and more. I have been a student basically my entire life. The most important thing I have learned is that it is important to never lose hope if things get hard. It is ok if you don't have perfect grades all semester, your effort is what is important. My belief is that every pupil is capable of reaching their full potential with the subjects they take. Hard work and effort are how you measure intelligence in my opinion, not your scores. My goal as a tutor is to teach my students the material and encourage them to work hard at school. I am looking forward to meeting the new students that come to me and sharing my enthusiasm for learning with them.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
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Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
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