Gabriella M.
Private tutor in Cupertino, CA
Bachelor's - B.S/B.A, Psychology; English
I am passionate about critical thinking in all its educational forms. From essay writing to reading comprehension to math, I have taught my students important lessons about their own individual learning process. I earned two bachelor's degrees from Santa Clara University, one in Psychology, and one in English. I have tutored writing through my school's writing center, where I helped both undergrad and grad students. I was especially helpful with drafting and revising papers, business proposals, personal reflections, statements of purpose, and other types of professional essay writing. In addition to this, my tutoring experience extends to many age ranges of students, from 4th and 5th grade elementary students, to graduate level students. Whether a student needs help brainstorming a thesis statement, outlining a complex essay structure, or properly citing sources, I have the experience to help my students overcome their challenges with writing and language. I also want to help students who are learning English as a Second Language develop better reading and writing comprehension. In my free time, I love being outdoors and active. On the weekends, I like to play volleyball on the beach and go hiking in the mountains. Reading is another passion of mine.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
10 miles at my regular hourly rate
Hiking, Volleyball, Beach and Reading
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